Monday, February 19, 2007

Don't laugh....

You try getting the 3 of them to sit still for a picture!
At this point Aubrey is upset Edie is touching her and she is climbing over the arm of the chair to get away, 'She's touching ME, mama!'.
Edie is bouncing off the back of the chair trying to sit up.
Reagan is upset and needs a tissue because she has a 'boogie'.
Sorry, no new pics of the three of them this time. I fired off about 25 shots and its just a painful variation of what you see here.


  1. I only have two, and this looks like what would be my best shot!!!

  2. By the looks of those toes grasping for something to hold on to... you'll be picking up pennies off the floor in no time! Love you all, Aunty Kerry
