Sunday, September 19, 2010


The fourth of July has come and gone.
I made a promise to myself that weekend.
That promise was to run a 5K. I didn't know how far one was. I didn't know if I could run. I didn't know a thing about this promise I had just made to myself.
I've struggled with my weight since I had the babies, but not being able to keep up with them began to bother me. It also made me wonder what kind of example I was setting for them. I didn't know how or where to start this 5K mission.
As I've said in the past my sister, sister in laws, and friends run, but I wondered how do I start? I came across The Couch-to-5K Running Program. It said that if I followed the simple running plan I could run a 5K in 9 weeks.
I've never done sports, never exercised for 'fun'. This was going to be a challenge. I started to follow the routine, along with a borrowed treadmill from my sister in law.
The challenge began.
Not only did this summer come with a record high month of temps for July. It also came with the realization that I could ONLY run for 30 seconds on the treadmill.
I was sweating, huffing and puffing and needed to walk for 2 minutes just to get my breath back. Not only was this startling to me, but it was also the realization of how physically 'out of shape' I was.
Along with the realization of my poor physical health came the drive, passion and determination to see this self made promise through.
I also partnered up with a neighbor and began to walk 4 miles a day around our neighborhood. We now walk half and run half.
I've been doing this in combination with The Couch-to-5k running program.
Here I am 11 weeks later patting myself on the back, and toot, toot, tooting my own horn.
Not only can I run a 5k outside. But I've also lost about 10 lbs, my clothes feel better, I eat better, I sleep better, I feel better. I have a routine to my day kicked off by 'working out'. I have successfully made a 'lifestyle change'.
Who would of thought that would be something I look forward to!!

I ran most of the time solo, passing the ones who passed me in the beginning. The course ran through the Ward Hill Business Park and adjacent neighborhoods. The Haverhill football team was on the route to provide water and direction. One group even provided encouragement on a tough hill by singing and changing the lyrics to Van Halens 'Jump'. The boys said.
'You get up, and no thin' gets you down!'
They clapped and had high fives for us as we passed by.

39:55 was my final time.

I beat my treadmill time by over two minutes!

My husband, children and sister where there to cheer me across the finish line.
I DID IT!!! And I'm going to continue doing this. It's something for me. It's never to late to make a change even if that change starts out breing only 30 seconds. It was the hardest 3o seconds and the most life changing half a minute in my life.

Hightower the clown. My girls were not so sure about him. Reagan confessed later she was nervous, and it's OK if she doesn't see him again.

Whittier Rehabilitation Hospital Bradford, MA

I ran for a great cause yesterday. I ran for Logan. My sister, Danielle has been his daycare provider and she has continued to care for, and teach him at her school over the last 6 years. He is a little little boy whose smile is like a ray of sunshine.
He waved the flag for the kids race, and handed out medals to the little ones who ran. He greeted and mingled with the crowd that was there to support him and his family.
Logan, known to his family as "Dodo", was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma this last April. He is currently receiving treatment at Dana-Farber in Boston, MA.
All proceeds from yesterday's run will be donated to Dana-Farber in Logan's name.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Sunday we went to the grocery store. The kids were hungry on the way home so I let each of them have an apple out of the bag. There was singing, crunching and a screech! I could tell by the tone it was a screech of surprise. I turned to find Aubrey with her mouth gaped open and her front tooth dangling by the last lonely thread. I unbuckled and started to climb over the seat wanting to come to her rescue, Todd pulled over. I jumped out and looked up only to see her pluck the tooth from it's last thread. She wanted to laugh, cry, and scream all at the same time. Me too! Once we were settled and the tooth safely tucked in a tisssue in my pocket we realized we pulled over off of the wrong ramp to get home! Never a dull moment.
The tooth fairy came and Aubrey added her loot to her piggy bank. I think she looks sweet and now her features will really start to change as her adult teeth come in. The dentist also said that with the loss of her front teeth come her 6 year molars...ummmm we are only 5 here!! In case you don't' remember she lost her first tooth at 4years old, two weeks before her 5th birthday.
The other two are actively wiggling their teeth hoping one will magically fall out and the tooth fairy will make another visit.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Nine weeks ago I could only run for about 30 seconds on the treadmill, then I would have to walk to for 3 minutes just to catch my breath.
Today, I ran for 45 minutes!
Today, I made my goal of running/jogging a 5K on the treadmill!
Next stage is to practice outside. I do walk 2o miles a week with a friend and it's made a huge difference, but outside running is so different than my stationary no-incline run. One step at a time.
9 weeks -9lbs too!!!


Perfect Picnic at Pillsbury State Park in Washington, NH

This was the most perfect picnic spot I have ever been to. The state park was beautiful with primitive campsites. We scoped out spot for our next camping trip already. Can't wait to go back!

Perfect sized slide!

We even attempted a hike. Two miles felt like 100 and we never made it to the summit.

Ray is a hiking machine!

Aubrey kept up but I could tell she was tired.

Edie, well happy go lucky Edie cried most of the time and got a 'pricker bush' to the cheek, it made for a hasty decent.

We were so close and Ray was disappointed, I told her, even the most expert hikers don't make it to the summit of Mt. Everest on their first try. Try, try and we'll try again.

Note to self: Four year olds are not ready for a 1.2 mile hike :)


Little helpers helped stack wood. Later that afternoon we went out to the lake and had a BBQ, and the kids got to fish, it was to cold to swim, but the company was wonderful.
Ray can put her own worms on the hook.

Aubrey taking a closer look at the fish under the edge of the dock, last plank and some good balancing!

Totally staged but worth the laugh!

Edie's catch of the day. Sunfish count if your four!


Christmas in July, September. Late but GREAT!

Basement Treasure Yankee Swap. Always hilarious, and surprisingly someones junk IS usually someones else's treasure! A few years ago a phone, this year a window fan!

Little ones waiting patiently.
Love this picture of you Dani!
Sophia stuck with it and shucked the corn.
Brothers picking on the little sister.

Fred's new cook book.

After a day of running around a campsite this is what little girls feet look like! The other two were already marinating in a soapy tub.

Monday, September 6, 2010


One trampoline, six giggling girls, one sleeping baby, and two Mommies sipping rose tea. It was a great hot day, and best of all, our new friends live right around the corner. In walking distance from our house.