Friday, April 27, 2007

Everyday is Laundry Day

The girls were having snack and decided the laundry baskets made great seats.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Still Standing

With all the trees that came down during the last storm of the winter/spring I was fearful that one may have come down on our little cabin in the woods. The path was littered with old trees that had fallen victim to the heavy snow. Some will need to be cut out, to heavy for us to move.
The rain has stopped, and for the first time since we've lived here we haven't' been pregnant or
had a new born(s) at the beginning of summer, therefore a daily hike has been added to our daily routine. It's a good opportunity for us to get some exercise and burn off a little 2, two year old energy.


We did have a nice walk. The leaves hide the the ankle deep mud.

A Walk In The Woods

I decided to walk up to the cabin with the girls this afternoon. We put on jeans, sweatshirts and our mud boots. I put Edie in the backpack and tucked the camera in my pocket. We headed up the hill, up the hill a little more, and up the hill a little more. The girls wanted to hold my hand halfway up. So Edie had two fist fulls of hair and Reagan and Aubrey each squeezing my index and middle finger with all their might so they wouldn't lose their balance on the muddy, leafy path.
Finally, we reach the 'summit'. The girls kept calling it a doll house, and were so excited to go in.
I had pocketed two sets of keys, I knew one of them worked. I tried the first one. It didn't work. I tried the second one. It didn't work. I put one in the deadbolt, and one in the knob, they didn't' work.
Dang! The girls sat on the step and kept saying they wanted to go into the doll house. When the girls are hungry or tired they like to put 'so-so' in front of it. So on the steps sat the twins, one saying 'I'm so-so tired!' and one saying 'I'm so-so hungry!' Edie still held her two fist fulls of hair squeaking and squealing.
So we headed down the hill, down, down, down...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Small Spaces

Two years, 5 months and 13 days later they still enjoy sharing a small space together.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Aubrey is into asking why about everything lately!!
I said 'Aubrey let me take a picture you wearing your new hat.'
This is her asking me 'why', and me (of course) giving her a long winded explanation of why.
She listened intently to every word I had to say.


Let me begin by saying it rained for what felt like an eternity, therefore the girls still have to wear their rain/mud boots when we go outside. The patio and the side yard are still a great big puddle of mud even though the drive is dry. OK, with that said Ray her boots on. Now add the Elmo sunglasses Daddy bought her, and on top of that a train conductors hat she got from Sonny's birthday party that she can't seem to be without.
How stinkin' sweet is she!

Tub Full of Smiles

Bath time.
Todd has been working later hours lately, therefore I have taken on bath time. Edie pretty much tosses herself in the tub when the girls are in it, so to prevent her from falling in or getting hurt or rushing everyone I let the three of them splash around together. Of course Reagan has to be in the middle because Aubrey will get super upset if Edie touches her. Edie thinks it's funny when Aubrey over reacts to her touching her,(Yes, yes, Aubrey over reacts just a bit she is a bit dramatic) so Edie goes after her more.
It's a funny little circle of sisters that needs to be maintained carefully for it to continue to run as smoothly as it does. I say that with a smile on my face...a big smile. I would of liked to share more of the Tub of Smiles but found they were a bit to revealing to post. So here is Edie's smile to brighten your day.

Edie Cooking

It doesn't take long for Edie to catch on.
I've said this before and I'm sure I'll say it again.
She wants to do what her sisters are doing. We recently brought down the Dora Kitchen the twins got for Christmas from Uncle Moo and Uncle David. We had it in their room and they would go up for a couple hours every day and play, but two 2 year old little girls need to be monitored, therefore it had to come down.
So we have oodles of cooking utensils, pots, pans and little fake food goodies. The twins were playing in the new 'toy nook' of the living room, and Edie was patiently watching as her sisters pretended to cook and stir pancake batter or soup. Edie, helped herself to the tote of accessories and crawled to the other side of the room with their treasures. She played quietly with these until the twins moved on to something else, she of course followed.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The rain stopped...

... and the sun came out!
The girls slipped, sloshed and splashed around in our backyard of mud for most of the afternoon. I couldn't find boots small enough for Edie so she hung out in the backpack for a while then her walker. They played in the last little bit of snow, and made me a beautiful cup of tea/mud.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Piggy Back

Great Minds.....

I was just going through some pictures and came across this one.
What ever they were thinking they were thinking the same thing.

Monday, April 16, 2007


My girls LOVE their animals. We have a new toy nook in the living room, I'm trying to contain the mess. Here they are with their daily animal parade. Reagan is really into elephants and Aubrey likes this little hummingbird that can stick to a flower. All these little animals came as rewards for good behavior and potty training.
It was also nap time. Aubrey was exhausted today.


What Cookie?
Reagan put her chocolate chip cookie down and looked away.
Edie, was in the right place at the right time!
She found it and made quick work of the warm gooey goodness. Upon questioning this sweet cherub face she denied all allegations.
I'll let you decide where the cookie went.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Then and Now

Friday, April 13, 2007


Reagan spent most of day/night filling, emptying, carrying, and organizing her little shopping bags. She would sling her purse onto her shoulder, stick out her bottom lip and with a puff of air get her hair out of her face. 'I'm going shopping mom.'
The bags contained toy goodies ranging from blocks to her very special water baby (from Grandpa Dennis and Doris). You could here her in the other room crinkling and crunching the bags shuffling her goodies from bag to bag.

Baby Destructo

I was sitting cross legged on the floor, camera in tow trying to get some new pictures of Edie, as you can see her front teeth finally came in.
Did you ever play 'steamroller' as a kid?
You use your body weight and roll over someone else lying on the floor.
Edie, with her head down like bull would come charging (crawling) across the the living room and plow her head into me, knock me down and roll all over me. Here she is throwing herself backwards into my lap laughing hysterically! (I was rather animated in my reactions, making her laugh more.)

Sweet Rewards

Potty training is a day to day endeavour.
They do really well during the day wearing big girl undies. The Easter Bunny brought them Curious George undies, so they have been extra careful while wearing them. Aubrey wore her big girl undies and kept them dry all day! This called for some clapping, cheering and ... a reward Daddy brought home these gummy treats that look like a hamburger and hot dog. The girls are showing off their treats, dancing and singing. They were so excited about these goodies!
Great job Aubrey and Reagan!!

Gene Pool

This is me in 1978, I was a little over a year old.

Edie 2007

Edie's New Trick

I love this one, she is really concentrating and her tongue is sticking out. She is really trying to free stand lately. I think she may be taking a few steps by her birthday! How exciting! Three walkers...

Thursday, April 12, 2007


They have so much fun together!

Even in the whomb they had fun together. It wasn't the most comfortable experience for me when they simultaneously summersaulted. I remember Aubrey (on my right) would be sleeping and Reagan (on the left and breech most of my pregnancy) would kick her until she woke and shifted her position. This was usually at 3am. It must of been a struggle for space,'s still a struggle for space.

MeMe and Grampy, thank you for the girls new nightgowns.

They put them on the other day and they were so excited to dance and sing. They were shouting twinkle twinkle little star (not in the same key or to the same rhythm, (and you know Aubrey's sense of humor, she was changing star to boot, chair, elbow.

Then they couldn't stop giggling.

They crack each other up it's the cutest thing, lately they've been including Edie, trying to make her laugh by hiding under the kitchen table and yelling 'Edie, come and find me (s)'. Edie will truck down the hall, crawl over to the table and peek under. The girls scream and laugh and come running, Reagan shouting 'Hey eb-berrybody did you see that?' They are quiet a trio.

Monday, April 9, 2007

The makings of a Noodle Necklace

The twins each made Auntie a Noodle Necklace for her birthday. Reagan liked putting one on each finger and walking around the house clicking them together, looking at Aubrey and saying BLAHHhh. Aubrey didn't like her doing that, but Reagan kept following her doing it until Aubrey started to think it was funny and would run away saying 'Ray, again'.

Happy 27 and 31!



NOTE TO SELF: next year tell the Easter Bunny to put 1 goody in each egg. The girls found and opened 2 dozen eggs filled with m&ms. Cute, but messy! I followed the girls and picked up the pastel morsels of chocolaty did Edie.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Saturday, April 7, 2007

No power!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007