Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sugar Shock

~Happy St. Patrick's Day!!~

I would like to thank my Mother in law, Sue, for a wonderful cornedbeef and cabbage dinner last night, potatoes, carrots, Irish soda bread it had all the fixings and it was delicious.
As a kid, THAT meal is what I remembered most about St. Patrick's Day.
I'm curious. When did St. Patrick's Day become all about candy? Did I miss something? I guess I did not realize that leprechauns hid mounds of sugar and chocolate. I knew he lived at the end of the rainbow and protected the pot of gold and his horribly disgusting 'lucky charms', but I did not realize he caused mischief in class rooms and left behind zippy bags full of chocolate and candy.

It became aware to me after we picked Edie up from school. The truck was eerily quiet, Usually the twins play 20 questions with Edie grilling her about her 2 and half hours she was out of their sight. There were no questions, there was no noise. I turned down the radio and adjusted my mirror to see the three of them lined up like little ducklings across the second row, mouths moving with fury but no noise. I angled my mirror lower to look at hands. With my eyebrows shooting up and trying to find an even tone. Edie's 'pack-pack' (backpack) is usually tossed over the seat and ride home next to me. Today it was clutched with white knuckles and she insisted she hold it on the way home.

'Hey girls what do you have there?' I said.

'Mochlit', Edie replied.

'Edie, did you get treats at school today?'

'Mmm, mmmm, I have enough. I share with Aubrey and Reagan.' Edie said.

Very pleased with her sharing of sacred 'goodies' I let them have it. I took a moment and realized this battle I will choose.
'Finish it up' and save some room for lunch, OK girls?'

'mmm,mmmm' three chocolate dripping mouths mumbled in unison.

After lunch and a full explanation from Edie that a leprechaun came into her class and made a big huge mess, tipping over the TO chair, and rearranging every ones name on the chore board, and leaving a note behind that said:

'Sorry I made a mess in your class room. I left you some treats and coins of chocolate.'
Happy St. Patrick's Day,
Mr. Leprechaun

I guess I didn't realize leprechauns left candy, now I do, and will be better prepared for the next time St. Patrick's Day rolls around.

My issue is, we are not a candy house. It's not something I keep around. Now and then we have dessert, or a special treat, or cookies. You know 'some-times food' just like cookie monster says. It makes them bonkers! They lose all sense of self control when it comes to sweets. They will eat it until it is gone! Then they turn bonkers. manic talking, running in circles, then. Meltdown.
Here is 1 example of Reagan's sugar induced manic chatter:
[in the car on the way to dinner after Edie's chocolate and a play date with more leprechaun goodies]:
'car, car, car. car star. star, star, star. Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are. what you are. what you are. Mommy, what are we made of? bones, and skin and teeth. teeth. [loud chattering of her teeth] teeth, teeth, tooth. Tooth Fairy. Mommy how does the tooth fairy get in the house?..
I admit, I did turn up the radio and found a song for her to tune into and sing along to, her brain was smoking!
I felt ill prepared for the evenings sugar low that consumed our house. It happened right at bath time. Consumption of large amounts of sugar today turned a usually calm and relaxing bath time into a traumatic episode of tears, tantrums, and turmoil. The lavender scented baby bath was not soothing anyone.

I could only shake my head and comb crying girls hair, reassuring them they would feel better after some much needed rest. Soon they were all tucked in and sleeping in no time.

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