Friday, March 5, 2010


Last Friday the girls and I had a wonderful day at the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester.

I've been waiting for the right 'time/age' to take them. We checked out the website before we left and downloaded the Family Fun Guide to the Museum. It had a an 'eye-spy(type)/map' adventure. It gave clues to 5 works of arts. We found the piece and took a few minutes to discuss it, who created it, and what medium was used to made it.

The experience was also a great exercise in practicing self control. 'Look but do not touch.' We talked a lot about how it's important not to touch anything because you could damage it.

I gasped once, as Edie went for a carved bench. "True Loves Blue", 2000 by Jon Brooks. But we regrouped (OK, I regrouped, and checked my heart rate) and again we paused and talked about enjoying everything with our eyes and keeping our bodies calm. 'Look, but do NOT touch....or (eyebrows raised at Edie) try to sit on'.

Aubrey found all 5 works of art based on the clues. She liked looking at everything, She like the European collection, and asked a lot of questions. Her favorite was"The Triumph of Hercules" 1761, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.

Reagan liked the fountain and some of the sculptures.

I loved seeing them absorb and ask questions, it was one of our best field trips!

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