Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New Discovery

My girls discovered climbing trees today. Well more like swinging from tree branches, I'm sure the 'climbing' part will come around spring time. I remember many an afternoon climbing and playing in the trees that surrounded our home. I loved the fact that they were having so much fun doing what I think ALL kids need to do, climb a tree. I remember being a told a story of a little girl who climbed trees in her pretty dresses some 50 years ago. Who was that? Well it's in the genes;)

1 comment:

  1. They do look like they are having fun. And I remember that day 50 years ago well.But what do you expect when your nick name was George. After seeing my dress torn and my nylons down around my shoes, it was a long time before Gram put me in a dress again. Good times, nice to look back,thanks Denise.
