Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I remember being a Brownie in the Girls Scouts and being so excited to earn badges that we would iron onto a sash. A visual reward of accomplishment. Recognizable to other scouts, family and friends, worn with pride.

Now as an adult and no longer a scout I still seek my reward. My badge. Where is that 'badge of motherhood' I earned anyway? Of course my children are my reward for all things.

I dug this out of the hope chest and since it did not fit me I used these two as stand ins.

As most of you know the wardrobe of choice for my girls has always been a utilitarian pair of denim overalls. These feelings of Brownie nostalgia were brought on by a second repair I did on a pair of overalls for the twins today. The first repair was about a month ago I had to sew a button back on to the bib part of the overalls. I examined the article of clothing as I folded the laundry and I knew this particular pair of overalls were well loved and well worn. They have always grown so fast that they never really wore a pair out.

I got them over a year ago and they have been on their little bodies at least once or twice a week since then, gradually I reduced the size of the cuff that I needed to roll at the bottom, then I needed to increase the length of the shoulder straps to make them longer.

Well the knees have become thread bare and tiny holes have started to appear all over the garment.

I let out a heavy sigh.

The time has come to, fix, discard or leave 'as is' and deal with it when Edie is ready to fit into them, (which could be next week).

I chose: fix.

I took out the box of iron-on patches given to me by Aunt Suzie a long time ago. I found the perfect one. The twins were playing quietly and Edie was fast asleep so I hurried upstairs to take out the iron and ironing board. I positioned the patch, put a rag on top if, and applied heat and pressure. I removed the iron and waved away the puff of lingering steam. I examined my work and it brought back memories of being a girl scout and the patches/ badges we used to iron on to our sash and display with honor.

Here is where my five minutes of quiet thinking brought me:

I think Moms should be issued badges. Not ones to wear on a sash, but badges to have as a visual accomplishment, a reward patch if you will. Keep them in a box, frame them on the wall. This is no charm bracelet ladies, this is your BADGE! We work so hard to have a warm home and healthy kids, lets take a few moments and recognize these accomplishments.

I went through a lengthy list of job descriptions and this is what we can earn badges for:

MOM- job description:

chauffeur, chef, childcare specialist, circus clown (you know what I mean:), correctional officer, courier, counselor, Drill Sargent, entertainer, event planner, fingerprint technician (who smeared jelly on the TV??), fire Marshall, (Not for my kids!), gardener, hazardous waste specialist, housekeeper, interior decorator, interpreter, librarian, lifeguard, locksmith (we've all done it, locked our selves out, or someone locked themselves the bathroom), motivational speaker, negotiator, nurse, nutritionist, outdoor recreation specialist, personal shopper, pharmacist, receptionist, referee, risk management analyst, sanitary engineer, seamstress, stylist, teacher, television specialist, victims rights advocate (this applies to the twins!) weightlifter, wildlife educator.

Feel free to add to the list of potential badges you can earn. You can display them as you choose. Mine will be in the form of a tiny post on this blog. A picture a drawing something to express what the 'badge' would look like. My kids are all about the reward center and how they earn their reward and the pay out for it...a piece of paper in the shape of a cupcake or a happy face. I'd like a reward for a job well done, therefore let the give yourself a pat on the back begin!

Today I'm implementing a Badge-Post for me. You'll find it in the margin of this blog. I'll keep you up to date on 'patches' I earn. Feel free to issue a 'patch' if you see fit, and I'll be sure to add it to my Badge-Post. Some times good ol' mom needs a pat on the back and if has to come down to me patting myself on the back be it. Hey it's adding a little fun to MY JOB;)

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