Friday, September 25, 2009

Ka Zee Bo

Paint my truck yellow and put a School Bus Sticker on the side, add a pop out stop sign and some blinking lights. THAT is how I've been feeling the last couple of weeks.
Edie: M-Th 8:40-11:15
Aubrey and Reagan 12:00-2:30 M-Wed.
(Not at the same school by the way!)

But I get there (to pick Edie up) at 11am so that I'm not behind the lady that takes ALL 3 of her kids out while she waits for her oldest. She unbuckles them, they are tired and hungry and they voice their opinions about it. They flop around screaming and yawing on the side walk like a tiny, hungry school of fish.

She socializes with other moms and tells her over tired, hungry wee ones to 'cut it out' and counts to 3 about 30 times, threatening to take their cookies away!!!!.

C'mon now....obviously 4 kids later...since your waiting for the oldest one and all the little ones call you 'mom', you should have some idea about their eating schedule and that you should pack...SOMETHING!!!

OK, ok enough ranting about that.

Lesson learned.

Do NOT get there late and end up being behind 'that' particular vehicle. To solve that problem get there early, try to be #1 or #5 in line so that #6-#10 have to wait behind the 3 short buses...

Anyone else tired yet and it's only 11:00am. Did I mention our morning routine before we/they are even out the door by 8:20am....

Thankfully Todd does Edie's drop off. She LOVES it, as do I. The twins and I go at a slower pace. We (yes!, as a unit) get her ready. Todd takes her...

She asks EVERY Day.

'Daddy?, You Drop Me Off?'

Then she finds me.

'Mama'?, You pick me up?'


So what do we do from 11:15 am to 11:50am?

So far I have discovered we CAN have a picnic at the town gazebo (or affectionately referred to by the kids at the ka-zebo). Or, we can have story time, where I read aloud chapters of Pixie Hollow chapter books in the car (if the weather is inclement...which is pretty much here on out....right ?).

We CAN NOT, go to the Weare Park or Horace Lake. Way too much to try and keep under control!!

What's up with the posing???
I have NO Idea what they were talking about....I'm worried what it will be like in 12 years!!!

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