Thursday, February 7, 2008

Again, it's been a while. Sorry about that.
Not to much has been going on, lots of little needy girls to tend to and I have had a bad case of bronchitis. I haven't taken out the camera to much until today. I got some great shots of the kids outside. They needed a good dose of fresh air, as did I, it was nice to take a big deep breath in.
So here is the three year old checklist for those of you with wee-ones. Don't forget in this house all noted items are...
  • three year olds do the opposite of what you tell them to?
  • three year olds have selective hearing?
  • three year olds eat ALL THE TIME
  • three year olds start to try and sneak down the stairs
  • three year olds are pretty smart little people!!
  • three year olds go through a 'talking back' phase?
  • twins or siblings pick something different than what the other one is eating, drinking, wearing, watching, listening to, playing with?
  • twins or siblings fight over the same game, drink, shirt, show, song?
  • three year olds have absolute and complete melt downs in the blink of an eye?
  • three year olds want to change their clothes constantly?
  • three year olds will shake a full bottle of baby powder in the living room when you take a 3 min shower?
  • three year olds have to mention when you have a pimple?
  • three year olds think they are the boss?

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a three year old to me..... wait till they are 6 you will have a whole new list.... :) some good some not so much, you think a 3 year old negotiates.... Nick thinks he is a professional debator

    love the list and can relate!
