The test run....
I walked up to the shed and got the 'boat' (the sled that Auntie and Uncle Eric got the girls for their birthday). I took the quickest route back to the girls by jumping onto the sled myself. It's been a while since I got onto a sled. I must admit it was fun! Take this into consideration there is about 2 inches of ice under an inch or two of powdery snow. I took off with my heals dug in to the ice to try to stop. I skidded over the drive and crashed into the trash cans. In the picture you can see the path I took. I stood up, brushed myself off, laughing out loud. Both girls stopped in their tracks and said in stereo,
'I want to do dat!'
Our sledding adventure began. We had a great time!
Denise, I read this, this morning and laughed my butt off. I can sooo picture you flying down the hill! And the trash cans... that just topped it off. I can picture the girls there with mouths hanging open watching Mommy fly! That was a great story, made my day! -Kerry