Sisters. Unlike the Christmas card, I got this one in one take. Actually I fired off about 25 shots this one was one of the best. It really shows the girls personalities: Aubrey's silliness, and Edie smiling, always with something in her mouth right now and Reagan loving her baby sister. These dresses are adorable they were from Uncle Moo and Uncle David, the girls love wearing them. We are back in pigtails, I love this look, not long and Edie baby will have enough hair too! I just gave the girls haircuts, I went a little short with the bangs on Reagan, oops. Her hair grows so fast it won't take long for it to be in her face again, she was looking at everything sideways so I figured it was time for Mommy to cut it instead of spending $12-15 for a kids cut!
Great pics! Great idea Denise. I love all of the pictures and the commentary! Keep it going!