I couldn't resist adding these pictures. I take a lot of pictures and they just stay burned onto Cd's and filed away in a binder. I was taking some pictures of the chocolate chip cookies the girls and I had made and this little hand creeped up and snuck a cookie. In case you were wondering it was Aubrey. They were in their 'piggy jammies' ready for bed. This was their special treat for being such good girls this weekend.
She is really into saying 'lets talk about it'. When I took the camera away and said 'excuse me, what are you doing?' she simply said, 'lets talk about it.' Once again I couldn't help but smile.
I guess I'll have to stop calling them my pumpkin patch girls and start calling them my cookie monsters. Great picture for the cookie companies, what a great ad for them to use, now there's a thought! Aubrey in a magazine ad!