Friday, January 29, 2010
How Do You Keep Them Busy....
.... Go Follow the tracks:
It was warmer yesterday, and they needed to get the goofies OUT!
I knew we were going to be housebound with the cold snap that was coming.
We went outside and Phezie (our neighbors cat) had left fresh tracks. The sweet black cat circles our yard daily and during the summer he is a GREAT chipmunk chaser!
We came in and had a picnic by the fire with hot cocoa and strawberry heart marshmallows.

Is it 'weally weal' Mama?
When I was putting this post together she saw the pictures. She asked me, 'Mama, what dat name?' she signed the word for milk (which is a hand gesture like your milking a cow) .
'It's an udder, it's where the milk comes out of a cow...not eggs.' I said with a smile. She smiled back and asked: 'Is dat cow's udda's weally weal?'
I said, 'no, they were pretend'
'Daddy O!!, will you buy me a cow, and a barn?'
SEE Science Center
The girls and I had a wonderful day today. It was the kind of day that makes me realize how big the three of them are, and how they are interested in hand on science, math and technology. I was concerned that Edie would be a bit to small for some of the concepts, but they asked A LOT of questions and I was surprised at how much I remembered! It was nice brain stimulation for all of us, and again it was something outside of our regular routine but in line with our 'school' focused minds around here.
They enjoyed learning about pulley's and using their own strength to pull them selves up.
T Rex was a hit too, He was positioned right as we entered and I was surprised the usually fearless threesome held on to me pretty tight. I walked over and touched his rubbery skin and it took no time for them to warm up to him.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
She just needs to stop growing!! She says stuff that just blows me away! Her thinking is so direct and precise, she asks a question she wants the answer. Just the answer. Don't candy coat your words with sweetness, and sugar. She wants the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Projecting: there is a starting point, steps to get it done, and a finished project. There is no need for further embellishment unless the directions state otherwise...It's exhausting not being able to suck her into the hearts and flowers of creative thinking sometimes....but every now and then she surprises me and comes upstairs dressed like a fairy princess, heels, crown and magic wand, trying to turn me, or her sisters into frogs. Or she'll insist on wearing this sparkly little dress for the day and I'll find her in her room doing twirls and playing pretend with her sisters.
There is a 5 year old in there after all, she comes out to play every now and then and it's beautiful to see.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
From The Mouth's Of Babes....
Lately, most of the thoughts and idea's that have come out of my kids mouth's have thrown me into full fledged belly laugh, tears and all. I'd like to take this time to share them with you.
We were at the gas station and Aubrey says 'hey mom, why is there a 'poop truck' here?'
'Aubrey sweetheart, that is not the 'poop truck' that is just the delivery tanker.' 'mom, you just said poop.' Well didn't that just send them into a tailspin of giggles for the next 10 minutes because mom said the 'p' word and it was not in the bathroom.
We picked Edie up from school and she kept saying:
'I have a new boiiiii in my koo.' (I have a new boy in my school) 'but I no know his name'.
'Well take time and think about it I'm sure it'll come to you.'
During dinner that night she said,
Of course the girls bust out laughing, and Edie goes into to her, 'weally, weally (really, really )!!'. Come to find out there is a new little boy in her class.
His name is Conner.
Her teacher stopped Todd one morning.
'Mr. Fischer, do you work for the Post Office?'
'No', he replied.
'Edie told us you deliver mail'.
Aubrey stated one day: 'I'm as hungry as a pickle in a jar!!'
The kids were playing in the playroom. I was doing dishes and I heard some voices raised. I listened they seemed to be working it out. Then I heard stomping on the stairs and Aubrey comes up the stairs huffing and puffing.
'MOM!, May I have the timer?'
'Sure', I replied.
She stomped back down to the basement and said
'FINE, Reagan we'll play with your opinion for 5 minutes and then we can play with mine for 5 minutes.!'
Problem solved. I gave myself a little pat on the back.
We were at the gas station and Aubrey says 'hey mom, why is there a 'poop truck' here?'
'Aubrey sweetheart, that is not the 'poop truck' that is just the delivery tanker.' 'mom, you just said poop.' Well didn't that just send them into a tailspin of giggles for the next 10 minutes because mom said the 'p' word and it was not in the bathroom.
We picked Edie up from school and she kept saying:
'I have a new boiiiii in my koo.' (I have a new boy in my school) 'but I no know his name'.
'Well take time and think about it I'm sure it'll come to you.'
During dinner that night she said,
Of course the girls bust out laughing, and Edie goes into to her, 'weally, weally (really, really )!!'. Come to find out there is a new little boy in her class.
His name is Conner.
Her teacher stopped Todd one morning.
'Mr. Fischer, do you work for the Post Office?'
'No', he replied.
'Edie told us you deliver mail'.
Aubrey stated one day: 'I'm as hungry as a pickle in a jar!!'
The kids were playing in the playroom. I was doing dishes and I heard some voices raised. I listened they seemed to be working it out. Then I heard stomping on the stairs and Aubrey comes up the stairs huffing and puffing.
'MOM!, May I have the timer?'
'Sure', I replied.
She stomped back down to the basement and said
'FINE, Reagan we'll play with your opinion for 5 minutes and then we can play with mine for 5 minutes.!'
Problem solved. I gave myself a little pat on the back.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Back to Blogging
We are well into winter and what comes with that?
A show on TV that I can not stand. I'm sure you have heard of it, it is called 24. There is just something about it that makes me shake my head and leave the room to find more productive things to do with that hour of my life. Maybe it's the predictability? Every show will be the same, same plot, based within an hour of this persons life, with the last 5 min leaving you in a 'cliff hanger' mind set for a week. I guess I like some sort of closure in that wasted hour of staring blankly at a box. Someone needs to win (whether it be cooking or some sort of competition), someone needs to be voted off, or some delicious meal is made from start to finish. So with that, you can figure out what channel I watch most, and what show is really the only one I tune into twice a year. 24 is not my cup of tea and I will be dedicating those Monday nights to blogging.
I tried on Sunday to do a couple of posts, but as soon as I sat down with my list of kid topics and hyjinx in hand, the power went out! You have got to love living on a 2 mile dirt road in the middle of no where during a snow storm, guaranteed power outage. With a sigh on reality, and a brightness outside from the falling snow we snapped into action.
Mag light in hand and the back up flashlight box opened we managed to hand them out and coax the children back into bedtime mode. I lit a few candles and threw a few logs on the fire. I sat. I listened.
The kids were tucked into their beds with their camping flashlights glowing, giggles echoed through the house. It was actually nice having the silence of a powerless home. I certainly like the ability to flick a light switch on and comfort to have hot running water, but there was a simplicity that filled the air. I rather liked it. I sat down and listened to the sounds of mischievous kids in the darkness, making haunting tones in their tiny voices trying to scare one another, tip toeing across the floors and halls. They soon settled and I went up to collect flash lights. I found the twins tucked into one bed under the covers flashlights glowing under the sheet. They were both sound asleep and in each others arms. Edie...well she was on the floor of her room, long body stretched out with her toes nearly pushing through the toes of her purple footie jammies, she was clutching her book light and blankie. Not phased by her sisters, but sound asleep on the floor. I scooped up each child that needed to be returned to their own bed, and tucked them back in again.
Todd was puttering with the generator and the simplicity was stopped to a screeching halt by the roar and smell of the gas engine outside. Orange power cords snaked their way through the family room. A lamp was plugged in that filled the room with an unnatural brightness. Another orange snake crept through the room and sunk its fangs into the TV and with a venomous spit of electricity the house was buzzing guessed it 24. It was the 2 hour season premier on Sunday. Since there was no blogging to be done,
I sat by candlelight and read my book. Well not technically not my book. They are borrowed from Amanda. I asked for a good read last summer and she jumped to her feet and placed a huge stack of books in front of me. I was overwhelmed. I thought a little hundred pager would be a good start. No, these books are 600+ pages each and so worth the read! I'm on book 5 in a series of 7.
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
This is the one that started it all. I have enjoyed reading them. In my search for a good read it was hard trying to find a book that didn't focus on the hurt, neglect, or death of a child. I understand that some of those books are best sellers or have a reality to them. Some are loosely based on true stories.
I have three true stories sleeping down the hall from me and it would be their faces I would associate with characters or put into the plots of those books. It makes me sick to think of them as anything other than the happy sleeping children tucked warmly in their beds.
This series is very imaginative, descriptive and creative. It lets me escape for a bit. Escape from 'mommy mode' or the trap of being planted in front of the TV, slowly growing roots into the couch, watching 10 min of a show and 20 minutes of commercials which usually consist of cell phone carriers and cars.
There are better things I could be doing with my time....
A show on TV that I can not stand. I'm sure you have heard of it, it is called 24. There is just something about it that makes me shake my head and leave the room to find more productive things to do with that hour of my life. Maybe it's the predictability? Every show will be the same, same plot, based within an hour of this persons life, with the last 5 min leaving you in a 'cliff hanger' mind set for a week. I guess I like some sort of closure in that wasted hour of staring blankly at a box. Someone needs to win (whether it be cooking or some sort of competition), someone needs to be voted off, or some delicious meal is made from start to finish. So with that, you can figure out what channel I watch most, and what show is really the only one I tune into twice a year. 24 is not my cup of tea and I will be dedicating those Monday nights to blogging.
I tried on Sunday to do a couple of posts, but as soon as I sat down with my list of kid topics and hyjinx in hand, the power went out! You have got to love living on a 2 mile dirt road in the middle of no where during a snow storm, guaranteed power outage. With a sigh on reality, and a brightness outside from the falling snow we snapped into action.
Mag light in hand and the back up flashlight box opened we managed to hand them out and coax the children back into bedtime mode. I lit a few candles and threw a few logs on the fire. I sat. I listened.
The kids were tucked into their beds with their camping flashlights glowing, giggles echoed through the house. It was actually nice having the silence of a powerless home. I certainly like the ability to flick a light switch on and comfort to have hot running water, but there was a simplicity that filled the air. I rather liked it. I sat down and listened to the sounds of mischievous kids in the darkness, making haunting tones in their tiny voices trying to scare one another, tip toeing across the floors and halls. They soon settled and I went up to collect flash lights. I found the twins tucked into one bed under the covers flashlights glowing under the sheet. They were both sound asleep and in each others arms. Edie...well she was on the floor of her room, long body stretched out with her toes nearly pushing through the toes of her purple footie jammies, she was clutching her book light and blankie. Not phased by her sisters, but sound asleep on the floor. I scooped up each child that needed to be returned to their own bed, and tucked them back in again.
Todd was puttering with the generator and the simplicity was stopped to a screeching halt by the roar and smell of the gas engine outside. Orange power cords snaked their way through the family room. A lamp was plugged in that filled the room with an unnatural brightness. Another orange snake crept through the room and sunk its fangs into the TV and with a venomous spit of electricity the house was buzzing guessed it 24. It was the 2 hour season premier on Sunday. Since there was no blogging to be done,
I sat by candlelight and read my book. Well not technically not my book. They are borrowed from Amanda. I asked for a good read last summer and she jumped to her feet and placed a huge stack of books in front of me. I was overwhelmed. I thought a little hundred pager would be a good start. No, these books are 600+ pages each and so worth the read! I'm on book 5 in a series of 7.
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
This is the one that started it all. I have enjoyed reading them. In my search for a good read it was hard trying to find a book that didn't focus on the hurt, neglect, or death of a child. I understand that some of those books are best sellers or have a reality to them. Some are loosely based on true stories.
I have three true stories sleeping down the hall from me and it would be their faces I would associate with characters or put into the plots of those books. It makes me sick to think of them as anything other than the happy sleeping children tucked warmly in their beds.
This series is very imaginative, descriptive and creative. It lets me escape for a bit. Escape from 'mommy mode' or the trap of being planted in front of the TV, slowly growing roots into the couch, watching 10 min of a show and 20 minutes of commercials which usually consist of cell phone carriers and cars.
There are better things I could be doing with my time....
Sunday, January 3, 2010
The Giggle Run
We spent a little time outside today. They made it outside for 50 min yesterday! It felt good to get out. The kids had a blast and for the first time in two days and I could breathe. This upper respiratory bug is getting to me! They love the 'spoon sleds' from Meme and Grampy, perfect size for them to tote back up the hill, and wow do they go fast!!
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