Like I've said many, many times before she wants to do what they are doing.
This now includes using the potty.
She gets it, she knows how to get there. But, her coordination of getting her clothing off in a timely manner, and her ability to tell me in words she needs to go has to be fine tuned.
During our daily routine she has times she is sat on the throne and she performs each time.
But for her to play in big girls undies as seen here and for her to get in there and get on the pot is still a long process. We have also gotten into the habit of always closing the door behind us when we leave the bathroom,because she has been known to play in the potty a couple of times, and flush a couple of things, and put our toothbrushes in....(don't worry they were thrown out!) They are now kept in a top

The point I was getting to about the door is that she can't open a knob door by herself yet.
What to do?
Well I know for a fact I won't spend 'double time' in there day after day like with training twins! She gets it and once we are a good inch or two taller,her she'll be able to do it herself.
We've used A LOT of diapers over the last three years.
Do you have any idea how often we (I) have to make trips to the ladies room when we go out. That is the only thing that will be tripled with three little ones so close in age!!
Dinner time in a restaurant: We sit, We order as soon as possible usually with our drink order. I take the twins to the restroom, (takes us 10-15 min (depending on the reason.) AND YOU CAN'T TAKE JUST ONE OR YOU'LL BE IN THERE TWICE AS MUCH!!
Believe me, we've (I've) tried to take just one, it never fails as soon as I sit down and raise my fork to my lips the other one says 'I have to go potty!'
OK, so we go to the restroom at the beginning, middle and at the end of our dining out. The girls drink a kid cup of sprite or juice so of course they'll have to go, OH, and don't forget the novelty of visiting a potty that is not ours. (I've also learned not to ignore the request or we'll have to leave because of an accident) Add another bummy to that, and the KNOWN fact we can't stay more than an hour at a restaurant. I get to sit and relax and eat for 10 to 15 min out of an hour. FUN.
O my goodness look at you, you have changed so much! You don't even look like my Edie, you look like you have gotten taller and your face is changeing too. Don't get much bigger before I get back. I am so proud of you, what a big girl to be going on the potty.I love and miss you.