Let's Review

December 19th
The girls patiently waiting for Santa to come to their school on the Friday before Christmas.

December 23rd
Ethan, Aubrey and Reagan anxiously awaiting the first of their Holiday presents from family. Thank You All very much for so many thoughtful goodies for the girls!

Sofia sneaking a peak at some presents. Doesn't she look like Cindy Loo Hoo from the Grinch. She was so sweet, she and Edie would walk around holding hands and hugging. They are the same age but I think Edie thinks she is a baby because she is smaller. Not by much!

December 24th
Christmas Eve at MeMe and Grampys this was the first of many special presents Thank You Everyone!!!
Santa Came!!!

December 25th, Christmas Morning
Santa came to our house and he left the girls some great presents. He brought them a computer, and a digital camera.

Edie sat with Daddy she wasn't so sure about all this commotion so early in the morning. Did I mention it was 7:45am and we had to wake Aubrey up. Reagan and Edie were in our room waiting it out.

Aubrey, so excited to have a camera of her own. She takes some pretty good pictures. She is going to be my photo scout. She took a picture of Edie playing in the toilet and Reagan sneaking some Christmas candy at an early hour.

Sorry New Camera Date Stamp is incorrect!!
Christmas Aftermath
Can you send me this picture.? Thanks.