I can not get enough of these pictures. My girls loving each other and being each other's best friend.

OK this is even before we left the house. I had them in the kitchen they were looking outside wondering when we were going to Grammy B's because it was Thursday. What 2.8 year old knows its Thursday and we should be going to Grammy's. To boot, they know we need to take the bumpy road (Maplewold) to the smooth road (the end of Maplewold) to the highway 89 to the gate (Grammy's camp).
This is them waving bye to me.
My 'babies' are saying goodbye. They are waving and having this pretending to be sad look. Killed me. Killed me! I was fighting back the tears here. Imagine how I looked when I dropped them off. There is just something about that first day.
In the car backpacks ready with a change of clothes. They had cubbies ready for them when we got there. We tucked their sweaters and packs away I signed them in for their official first day of school.
This is them opening the door to a brand new world. Reagan was a little clingy and I slowly backed towards the door. She was settled and preoccupied and had a great day.
So I called Todd and he immediately answered his phone and said....'It's OK, they are OK, you OK?' Yes, yes I reassured him. They did a painting project and Reagan came home with a pink pony tail. It was amazing to see the differences in their personalities and creativity. Reagan was intricate with her blue and red dots. Aubrey swirled all her colors together into a greenish rainbow.
Edie and I had a meltdown. She had never really been without them. I had never been without them and realized no other immediate family member was in charge of their well being and sculpture of future adulthood. Yikes, what have done? I cried. Edie cried.
All was well.
I folded clothes and puttered around for 2.5 hours. I even set the timer on he oven so I would be prepared even though I looked at the clock ever 5 minutes. Yes, Yes, I was lost without them. Edie and I had a special lunch and read books. I tried to get her to talk. ...No luck. As most of you know Reagan's first work was abacus, Edie's has been wow. That's about it. Mama, pipe and Hi Dad. Other than that she takes me by the hand and brings me to what she wants. Bangs on the dishwasher. I open it. She takes out her bottle and top. She bangs on the fridge and I open it. She point s the apple juice. I ask her if she wants JUICE. She does the whole body shake for yes, yet no words....
She did say 'yup' to me when I said do you want to got get sisters. She was excited and ran for the door. Once we got to school she was squealing when she saw her sisters.
Miss Darlene said they were delightful.
I love the closeup of them hugging. They look so happy.
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