We stopped for some ice-cream after we went to the aquarium. It was so much fun. The girls just kept saying Wowwww, and Reagan would say, 'OK, I'm ready to look at something else now'. Her favorite part were the leopard seals at the entrance to the building.
Aubrey full of smiles. She wasn't so sure about the air horns on the big boats coming in and out of harbor. Once we explained what it was she was waving and saying hello to all the people on the boats. She and her sister had a whole boat of people of waving at us as it came in to dock. She enjoyed the sharks in the big tank, and touching the hermit crabs in the touch tank.
Edie minimally partaking on our ice-cream adventure due to the richness of the ice-cream. She surprisingly really liked the jellyfish exhibit. It was dark and back lit to see the squishy critters. She liked the darkness of the exhibit and went to each tank and said. 'Wow'.
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