Whitey, brownie, black ears, cotton tail, fuzzy, and Herbert Meninger. These are the bunny names in a Curious George episode. Reagan has seen, seen it and seen it a hundred times. This is her new friend she takes EVERYWHERE, actually there are 6 of them she has named. They are beany babies Grammy B had given to them when they were babies. They have been resting comfortably on a book shelf, then in a basket. Ray found them and with a squeal of delight she gingerly picked each one out, examined them, named them and cradled them in her arms. Here she is giving cotton tail a 'treat'. Her pretend play is so beautiful to watch. She is so gentle and loving with her little critters. Even when we play out side she'll find a frog, a caterpillar, butterfly, or dragonfly and she will quietly get close and examine it and what it is doing. Or she'll tip toe over to me and walk me over, holding my hand. She'll whisper a question about their wings or ask some other inquisitive little questions. She'll then say (loudly) bye bug! Have a nice day!She even pets the frogs when they don't jump away, and grabs the earthworms out of the garden when I'm weeding. She'll put them in a safe place and shout her well wishes to them. Ants on the other hand, don't have a chance! Squashed!

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