Here is a potty training update for all of you that have been asking what it's like to potty train twins. I'll start by saying ugh, not only have I been gradually potty training them, but there are two of them and I have an inquisitive toddler that has to be where they are.
Let's see Edie is 15 months old. I've been working on it for about 18 months. I introduced it to the twins during the last few months of my pregnancy with Edie. They took on to it really well, then drifted away from it for a bit while Edie was having tummy/bummy problems.
Recently, with the healthy digestion of the littlest tummy, the twins have been so good about going and they have been in big girl pants right up to bedtime. Even in their swimsuits they are pretty good about getting in to the bathroom before an accident happens.
I will admit, I did use a food reward, I used gummy bears. It worked like a charm! They were willingly going on there own all throughout the day. Hooray! Here is a little glimpse, twins come two at a time, so do their potty habits. It has been parallel since day one, I know if one has to go the other usually does too; so there is the first good thing.
The second and third good thing, I'll only have 1 child in diapers. Which is how it is all day. So I'm not burning through a pack of diapers a day! This is great, we've even gone on a few adventures in big girls pants. We usually go out to the lake house in big girl pants, and come home in big girl pants. We even went to Target (used the public rest room there) and back.
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