Edie got a little red wagon for her birthday. She would push it all around the house when she was learning how to walk.
I never had a hard time thinking of things as coming in '2's because of the twins. I was six weeks pregnant when we found out we were having twins, since then everything...EVERYTHING comes in duplicate.
OK it's carved in stone, that's the way it is around here.
Then, a short 18 months later I could start thinking of things coming one at time. We were delighted to find out we were pregnant with Edie. I could now stand in front of a display and and say to myself, 'oh, I only need to buy one these for Edie.'
Now a short 13months later...I need to change the process again.
I've said it before, she (Edie) wants to do what they are doing and they want to do what she is doing. Therefore, I now have to think (while standing in the toy isle) should I pick up 2 or 3 of these. Edie thinks she is two and a half anyway. They ALL like the same things, and play with them at the same time. If one of them moves on to play something else, they all go. The like the same cups, food, toys, books, baby dolls, pillows, and blankets...need I say more?
I'll just consider myself a mother of 'triplets' at this point.
I've already had people ask me in stores, or the lady in G-town that directs traffic with the Mickey Mouse gloves if they are triplets. I smile and say 'almost'. There is usually an awkward silence then I'll explain our unique situation.
In closing that is why I have 3 Little Red Wagons!
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