Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I'm am very much overdue for some posts. So since we spent a good part of today out in the warm sunshine and cool pool I thought I would share some of our pre-summer time fun with everyone.
As you can see Edie is a full time walker. She is inquisitive and of course she is happy as a clam, ALL THE TIME. She has no fear in trying new things like a kiddie pool, she shows no hesitation and she is so dang smart. The girls will bicker about a toy and I'll say there are two go find the other one, For example, the girls got these little backpacks for a few bucks. One is blue and one is pink. Reagan had hers on and Aubrey tried to take it. There was of course this explosion of crying. I told Aubrey to go to the toy bins and find her blue one. Edie had already gone over and got it and kept saying Ahhh, Ahhhh basically pushed it at her. As if saying Gee you two, here it is don't fight.
The twins are very much 2, they love to NOT AGREE on anything, but in the end want the same thing, for example a blue pool.

So enjoy these pictures and please understand when I come to a BBQ or some sort of gathering and my legs are not shaved, and I look like I've already put in a full day...I have :)

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