Aubrey can put her socks on all by herself. She sat still because I said we would send these to Grammy B so she could see her do it. She said 'Okay mama.'

insists on doing it herself!
I DO IT MYSELF, MAMA! Surprising, lately, she is a little camera shy. She has always been the ham. She doesn't want me to take her picture if she is playing or being cute, she'll hide or put her back to me. She just doesn't feel like being a performer. It's amazing to see how much they can do on
their own
if I let them try. It's also amazing how much they know!! For example I was asking my sister in law Amy about a good way to get them focused on letter identification. To my surprise they GET IT, they really do!! She sat down with them and an advertisement from the paper. They were picking out letters and...AND NUMBERS!!
.....gifted and talented!!
To Aubrey: What a big girl you are becoming. Look at you,putting on your own socks, GOOD JOB! I"m really proud of you. I miss you a lot and can't wait to play and maybe picnic in the cabin in the woods.I love you..Gramie B