Function beat fashion.
I've been struggling lately, diaper bags are great and all (I love my Vera diaper bag!) but lets get practical.
I don't want to sling a heavy bag over my shoulder, push an umbrella stroller and try to hold on to two toddler hands at the same time. I DO NOT have enough arms. If I put the diaper bag on the buggy and take Edie out it falls over stuff goes flying everywhere, if we go to the store Edie is in the basket of a shopping carriage and the enormous bag is in the seat, where do I put my groceries or other goodies that I may need?
Problem solved!
So here it is, It's an Eddie Bauer Ashland Pack. It has 1800 cubic inches. That means I can fit, a change of clothes for each of the twins, 2 changes for the baby, six diapers, a travel size pack of wipes, an insulated bag for warm water (Edie's bottles), a travel formula container, and a zippy of baby food, a second insulated bag for the girls snacks and lunches (when we go on long adventures), a sippy holder on each side, a compartment for my phone, wallet, keys, and of course a spot for some germy soap. I don't have to cart around a bag for clothes, one for food and my purse. Once it's packed with all this stuff I can still carry it on my back hands free, it's not too heavy and it's VERY PRACTICAL!
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