"Hey Boo Boo. What Do You Think Is in That Pic-a-nic Basket?"
We spent Friday and Saturday camping. We've been camping with the kids before, we go every year, last year we went several successful times either alone as a family or with groups of other families. But Camping this year came with it's series of challenges. Even with the challenges and bumps and bruises the kids did have a good time. It was a good adventure to share with friends and family. Although I felt thoroughly stressed out and unprepared the kids keep talking about how much fun they had.
Sunday morning I was up at dawn and hissed away the squawking crows that seemed to congregate in the tree tops above our site. There were masses of them cackling and cawing back and forth. It made for a very early morning on Saturday and the campers were not to happy about their wake up 'caws'. Sunday, I kept them away for a while so the rest of camp could sleep.
It was fun for the kids (big kids too). The campground (which was absolutely packed!) had a kids water park. It was a shallow pool with dumping buckets, a waterfall mushroom and sprayers.
The kids were thrilled they didn't have to wear their 'swim vests' or their arm floaties.
Edie is cooling off under the mushroom, Todd and I got in on that too, the kids had fun with us being silly and splashing around too.
That morning we packed up and drove to Story Land. We spent most of the day there until the park closed!! We rode most of the rides with the kids and had a great family day. Aubrey's favorite was the roller coaster with Daddy (look in the last car :). I took Reagan and she came off with a bloody nose! which made it NOT her favorite. 

We did lot's of waiting in line, and the girls were VERY patient.

We did however find a ride WE could ALL go on as a family. The kids needs to be 48' to ride alone on most of the rides. My girls are 46', 46,' and 44'. Which meant we had to take turns going on with one girl, then one of us would have to ride a whirling, twirling, twisting, spinney, stomach churning second time. It was a BLAST!! With this picture I'd like you to think ahead 11 years from now.
Picture it....
picture it..
I know! I scared me too!
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