Friday, September 25, 2009

....The Speakers...

Todd has had these speakers for as long as I've known him. We're talking 14 years + !!
I'm sure at one time they were 'cool'.
But now they have this 'cool' thing called surround sound. They are a series of these tiny speakers to go with huge TVs!
As our luck may have it we now have one of those that adorns one whole wall of our living room.
The TVs have gotten bigger, but the speakers smaller. It must balance the universe in some weird twisted way.
These speakers however, (the ones shown in the photo) bring absolutely NO balance to anything.
They are cumbersome eyesores, and yes I'm going to use the word.....I hate them!!!!
We got our new TV and these anchors need to be dropped at sea....I know how to mix quickcrete.
But here they are... in all their glory.... thankfully their new home is now in the shed. Resurrected from their resting place deep in the bowels of basement. Dug up from their final resting place that was once behind 2 cribs, some plywood, and all the other large basement clutter I used to hide them. Here they now rest bookending Todd and his him the chance to reminisce of years past pre-pink girl frilly filled world. Here they boom for all the neighbors and sweet woodland creatures to enjoy the peaceful melodic music of.... AC/DC!

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