very sad for a Halloween lovin' girl like myself.
I promised myself to make the most of Christmas this year, because since the twins were born it usually goes something like this...
I shuffle downstairs at a nap time to dig through the sea of basement storage containers.
By the time December rolls around they have literally sunk to the bottom of 'the sea'.
I move an endless stream of outgrown toys, tools, odds and ends, making a path to the masking taped 'x-mas' totes.
The bungee corded Christmas tree box is always in the corner.
I drag the totes up the basement stairs. They thump on each step. Tiny bells jingle and something starts singing the 'Frosty the Snowman's' song.
The decorations are tossed about.
Giving the house a light dusting of seasonal cheer.
But that's not how it went this year...
It was delightful.
This year we made it a family night.
Todd wanted to help.
He cleaned the basement, yes...cleaned.
He found the totes and labeled the ones without.
We enjoyed going through 32 years of his ornament memories.
The girls enjoyed it too!
The girls enjoyed it too!
We listened to holiday music, and watched Rudolph.
This year we are ready!

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