Cabin Fever Chair: 1999-2008
(December 2007) This is the best picture I could find of Todd's beloved chair. We didn't exactly agree on the fabric choice, but this was to be HIS chair.
For those of you that have 'experienced' this chair recently it has been (literally) quite a ride.
Many a bolt hath snapped, and we spent the evening repairing.
Todd became quite a pro at fixing the SAME bolt. He would flip it, I would pick out the tiny treasures that had fallen into the tear along the seat abyss, then vacuum, and by the time I was done picking out tiny toys and coins he would have it fixed.
The springs were gone and as soon as your bottom sat down, it just kind sucked you in like quick sand.
More bolts broke and pieces of wood would mysteriously appear when we flipped it to fix it. Todd with sigh knowing the end was in sight.
Sadly it began to have accidents, yes accidents, by this I mean when we would turn it over to 'do the repair' we would find grease stains on the carpet. We would put a towel under it, and give a pat on the arm rest as if telling it to hang in there.
The arms began to bow out, and it would lean towards the right, the foot rest would shoot up launching you backwards, the handle would no longer rotate and you had to rock the chair to get it to kick out. Getting it back down was the trick, you had to rock to and fro and with that force the foot rest would shoot down.
Then it stopped rocking, and it just kind of settled, like their was some sort of internal break down. From there it creaked and cracked, and moaned as if asking to be put out of it's misery.
Todd gave it one last flip and loaded it into the truck last night,
I waved goodbye to it this morning.
It's eerily quiet.
He brought it to the transfer station and he said it was hard to push it over the edge into the gaping mouth of the dumpster . It was swallowed in one big bite. I picture Todd hanging his head, shuffling his feet, and getting back into the truck, looking in his rear view mirror to see if it was peeking up over the rim of the dumpster.
We brought the green couch up from the basement and put it over the recliners grease stained spot. We sat down and peeped a familiar creek...
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