As a special treat we had chocolate ice cream. What A MESS.
They had fun, Edie was the first mini dancer out on the lawn, the twins followed the the three of them danced, giggled, and were a hit!
Alot longer than I thought they would last.
The balloons landed and they were brought back to the field. At dusk they filled them up again and put on a beautiful show of delicate lights. The field was filled with glowing balloons that looked as fragile as paper lanterns.
My camera began to beep because of low batteries, but I managed to get a couple of good night glow shots. The girls sat on the lawn and just watched with amazement. (I was watching them with amazement! They were SITTING on the lawn and not running every which way. EDIE WAS SITTING STILL!!!
The twins spoke up and said they wanted to go home.
They didn't like walking back to the car in the dark, we are never out when it's that dark, they go to bed at 7pm, so it's still pretty light out even when they go to bed.
I put them in their jammies.
They asked, 'if we fall asleep in the car can you put us in our beds?'
'Of course', I reassured them, I promised I would get us home safely, tuck them in and give them a kiss once we got home.
They were asleep before we left the parking lot.
I brought each little one up to their bed.
One by one, they were tucked in and kissed twice:)
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