Shredded rolls of toilet paper and towels scattered around the house. I left the room for 3 minutes to help the girls in the potty and I came out to find THIS MESS. This is just a sample of the severity of the mess. It spreads from kitchen to living room with no end in sight.

We did not get a puppy! How ever we do have an Edie!

She used her sweet little teeth to shred it all. She did it in a matter of OH I'd say 3 minutes. This is her trying to have a time out. I'm just starting to use them on. I fear my sweet happy Edie baby has learned some stubbornness from her sisters. UGH!
Actually is was a bunny adventure for Taggie. For those of you who have not met her yet, I'd like to introduce you to Taggie.
Yes, she has an applied gender of female, lovingly referred to as 'she' or 'her'.
The girls and I went on an adventure last week. There was a pet store in the plaza we were shopping . My girls can't get enough animals lately and I saw there was a sign for puppies. We decided to go check them out. Not only were there puppies, but kittens, bunnies, Guinea pigs, and birds. We spent a good long time talking to the animals. Aubrey was delighted with the birds that fluttered and peeped at her. Reagan was absolutely in love with a lop eared bunny. She was camel colored and moved toward Ray knowing she would have some attention given to her by this little girl. Edie ooohed and ahhhed at all the creatures. Reagan was getting ready to pick up the bunny when I stopped her and we held it together. I have to admit it was a sweet little thing. Not like my sisters mean 'Thumper' we had when we were kids;) .
Bye animals!, we called out as we walked back to the car.
After we had been on the road for a good half hour,
'Mama, where is Taggie?' Reagan asked with curiosity.
'I don't know honey? She was supposed to stay in the car, did you take her out when we went shopping?' (We went to about 5 stores)
'yes', she said quietly, 'I gave her to the puppies to play with'.
UGH I thought to myself, it's either shredded, or contaminated.
'I'll have to call around when we get home and see if I can find her.'
Here is what you need to understand. There is no substitute for Taggie. She has 2 that Meme made out of pink mink fleece, and she has 'fuzzy' taggie made out of a different material. ONLY the mink fleece ones will do, and she needs BOTH.
We talked about Taggie after I had called around and found her AT the pet store IN THE BUNNY HUTCH!!
She made it with only one and the next morning we headed out to the pet store to rescue Taggie. I quarantined her into a zippy bag until she could be thoroughly washed.
'Silly Taggie!'
was said to a warm and mountain breeze scented Taggie when she came out of the dryer. Reagan then kissed her and squeezed her tight, eyes squinty with a huge smile on her face. They have not been apart since.

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