Andy came over today for a playdate. Gosh it was so hot. We were outside in the water all day. They had a blast, running here and there, up the hill down the hill, in the pool out of the pool, catching grasshoppers and chasing a frog,phew I'm exhausted writing it imagine tagging along with them all day! Here is a great shot of the twins and Andy enjoying an icee pop. Everyone played really well together and Edie kept up with the 'big kids' too.

Here they are lining up some peanuts for the chipmunks. They thought if they put them on the ground and stood right over them the chippy's would come and eat them. No luck. We came in for lunch and then the little buggers came out. Every now and then a brave one would dart across the drive and Edie would stand and point, and yell Haaaa Haaaaa (Her little way of saying hello).
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