We are still trying to get a 'little less orange', as you can see it's still in our cheeks and on our nose. Tonight she had some tomatoes and dip-it (ranch dressing) and noodles.
I have 'carb-kids' they love crackers and noodles! Even though Edie baby isn't feeling so well after this weeks inoculations she has still remained to be ALL smiles.
It is her nature to keep smiling even if she doesn't feel well.
She could eat bread and pasta all day if I let her. Her favorite snack lately is peanut butter and wheat bread (I do treat her to a little, a tiny bit of jelly).
Diet: Edie's diet has changed. She is now on 2 oz. of Lactaid ( a lactose free whole milk) and 6oz. of her usual Nutramigen formula. Thank you, thank you, thank you to our pediatricians office for recently giving us three cases of sample formula. She hasn't even blinked at the change, in fact I think she likes it. It is sweeter than 'regular' whole milk, and actually it's quite good. I've put it in my coffee quite a few morning this week because she isn't drinking a full carton yet.
Medication: Edie is 100% off of both of her prescriptions!! We went to her specialist no more than two weeks ago, we were as surprised as he was.
He, (Dr. Biller) asked us, 'so how much medication is Edie taking right now?'
We were pleased to say, she is off all medications.
He asked us details, (I'll spare all of you from the graphic details)
'Wow!' he said.
'If you had asked me in February if I thought she would be off her medications I would and did say NO. I thought she would be on them until she was at least 2. I am shocked at her progress and am delighted at well she is doing! Keep doing what you are doing and keep her hydrated.'
I don't know if you've seen the recent advertisements for Mira lax. It's her laxative, that is now sold without a prescription. He said if she seems to relapse give her a week or two on her medication and give me a call. We have had NO problems.
Even better news is the fact that now that Edie is having an easier time so are the twins with potty training. No longer is it heart wrenching watching her 'try' to go. Now she is the Terrible Tinkling Toddler.
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