Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Edie Baby

All smiles (as usual).
She chooses to walk all the time.
Nap time has been restored and as soon I say 'OK, girls it's nap time!' She goes up the stairs by herself (me right behind her of course). She thinks she is 2 and a half, she wants to do what they are doing, eat what they eat, drink out of a sippy, you name it. She even took a big girl shower with them and giggles the whole time!

Monday, May 28, 2007
Splish Splash Rescue a Worm and Dash
Me & My Girls
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Our Anniversary
Today we celebrated our 6 yr anniversary.
The gift to give for 6yrs is iron. What the heck do you do with iron? Do I give Todd a new iron to press his shirts with?
So we decided we would take the girls to the lake and put those fishing skills we aquired yesterday to good use.
An absolutely gorgeous day, a nice little breeze was coming off the water and everyone was in good spirits.
Tying on the hook
Aubrey was examining the surrounding asking logs of question and wanted to explore. Reagan sat patiently and watched Daddy.
Onto the dock. No hesitation. YIKES!! I thought to myself. They went right out and stood next to Daddy listening to his instructions.
'Twin Fish'
Aubrey with her first fish! She was so proud. She REALLY warmed up to the fish and even ...kissed her last catch!! Todd would joke with them with every catch 'do you want to kiss the fish?' She said yes to the last one and this Fisch gave that fish a kiss!!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Thanks Grammy B
Ready For The Lake House
Todd was showing them how to cast and reel in the fish. Reagan had a blast chasing the little fish and getting tangled in the line. Aubrey had fun reeling in the casts that Daddy would do then getting tangled in line. I'm glad we practiced here today, the bugs were not bad and it was a beautiful green day.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Table Food

Thursday, May 17, 2007
Bat Girls on Potty Patrol

I've been trying to make potty training fun. The twins are pretty much in big girl pants the whole time we are at home. We had a good stretch of sunshine and warm weather and even on those days in their swimsuits or shorts they still followed the house rule of...
I've said this since day one, and every time they have an e-mer-ja-ma-cee (emergency) they rush into the bathroom.
Today we were in disguise.

Aubrey has been doing so well! She is very proud and doesn't mind telling the cashier at the Christmas Tree Shop that she did a poop on the potty as Mrs. Defilippo's house. She loves recognition and will take it where ever it comes from.
She is also responsible for putting away the big girl pants as I fold the laundry, she gets a reward (Krabby Patty, hand stamp, or sticker) for doing her chore. She is also the designated 'napkin hander-outer' at dinner time.
Kudos kiddo's for a great day of potty patrolling!

Here is the Terrible Tinkling Toddler on the loose after escaping from the Potty Patrol. She is seen here taking 10 steps towards the photographer capturing today's chaos.
She is still on the loose, and be warned if you approach her you may be kissed, hugged, squeezed and fall victim to her adorable charm.
Short Cuts

My hair keeps getting shorter and shorter. Never in my life did I think I would enjoy short hair. But I do. I have to thank Chad for telling me I looked 10yrs younger, you made my day!
What mess? If you look closely in the background my living is a complete disaster, Oh well, I'm still smiling and we had a very fun rain day!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Twice as Nice

How do you spell trouble?

Friday, May 11, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007