A lot of you have been asking me lately, what can Edie have? What does she eat? She is teething like there is no tomorrow. Biter biscuits are out, and unlike most kids she does not have her front teeth ..yet. It doesn't stop her! One broke through the other day and the other is not far behind, therefore she puts everything in her mouth and is ready for table foods, what to do, what to do....

Enter creative thinking: Fruits and veggies, I let her try everything. Her favorites for her tender gums are cold crunchy celery, and carrots. These I'll give to her as is. We also have a little mesh bag with a handle that I put ice cubes, frozen peas, carrots, and corn. Where most little ones are introduced to a wonderful snack called Cheerios, Edie has boiled peas, and, minced apples (Macs are best they are softer). The doctor said apples were binding, she has had NO issues since I introduced apples to her diet.
She also enjoys the stalks of steamed broccoli. She'll shred it with her little fangs and suck all the water out of them. I'll make squash and put it in the food processor. What ever fruit (excluding bananas) or veggie (limiting starches such as potatoes) we have during the day I introduce to her. The only thing I've found she is not keen on is citrus, and berries. She loves stone fruits, and dried fruits (without sugar because this could aggravate her digestion). I'm tempted to get a food dehydrator for her (and her sisters) to create sugar free natural snacks. They are hard to find that are not loaded with sugar or other 'stuff' I don't want to give to delicate system. Most kids are having animal crackers, O's, fishy cookies, mac and cheese and other cracker/cookie goodies, she will be having something special...I just need to keep coming up with creative goodies for her to enjoy. I'll have to check out some natural food stores to see what I can find too. Let me know if you have any ideas!
Hey, thats so cool to see her chompin on some celery. Such a cutie pie!