Friday, March 30, 2007
We still have snow!

Taste Test

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Edie: Quirk #4: Jungle Book Baby Crawl

Monday, March 26, 2007
The Twins
Sad Cedar
Friday, March 23, 2007
Pictures Through a Doll House Window
Aubrey. Yes! yes, she stuck her head through the doll house to make Mommy laugh, then she came to the other side of the camera and said, 'I wanna see silly me! I no sick, '
I know it's blurry, my camera at times leaves something to be desired in these action, spur of the moment grab your camera shots. But, I thought this would give you all a good idea of the teething Edie has been going through. With the fever, restlessness, ear, nose, eye infection she has been battling she keeps a her smile and tries to keep up with her sisters. Temps got into the 60's today and I put their doll house just outside of the safe confinements of our living room. The screened in porch that I vacuumed just before the last snow storm (that gave us almost 13 inches) opened up a whole new world to the girls.
Fresh air, (change the air) keep them where I could see and hear them. Spring of 07' went into effect. The gentle sounds of birds chirping, children sharing and laughing, brought me and my camera to the porch. We had a great time!
I affectionately named Edie, baby desrtucto...her sisters now try to call her that at she clears out the dining room scene the twins set up and act out pretend play scenarios in the doll house.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
The Victims

Another victim that may bounce back a bit easier than it's green friends.

Prevention: I think it's too late, but try as I may. I cut 8 (oh my Gosh!!) inches off my hair on Monday. I spent a good part of my afternoon sprinkling strands of hair on the ornamental trees. Well we'll see... I'll keep you 'posted'.
Notice in both Red Cedars the only thing left are my Robin nests. Hope fully there will be enough coverage for them to feel safe this spring. We have watched them lay their eggs and hatch and fly away for the last three years.
The Savage Beast!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Aren't We Cute
So I came home after my appointment and Reagan in her mousy, sweet voice comes up to me and hugs my leg with toddler ferocity, then looks up me, steps back and puts her hands on her cheeks and says..."OOOoohhhh Mommy,...you look pretty, you geta haya cut?' Then Aubrey pipes in..'Mama, you go to the beauty parlor?, OOOoooohh '
Saturday, March 17, 2007
My Turn

Friday, March 16, 2007
For the love of Cauliflower
How old are you?
Daddy and his girls.....
Me and My Babies Montage

My mini me head to toe, temerment and personality, sense of humor.

What a love! For those of you that have been blessed by this child's presence you have witnessed, and felt this tiny, unconditional love.
For example, at the Blarney Breakfast on Thursday she innocently rested her warm cheek in cousin Sues hand. It was her speechless way of saying I Love You.
Stay sweet my love.
Everything turned out OK!!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
New Found Freedom
Monday, March 12, 2007
Crunching, Crunching, melting

Sunday, March 11, 2007
Finger Foods

There were choices I just needed to find them...what to do, what to do.....Certified Organic Just Tomatoes Company.How excited am I to find these crunchy, melt in your mouth snacks? I went into a health food store today. I was looking for vegan finger foods for Edie. To my delight I found THEM! finger foods for Edie baby! Not only are they organic but there is ABSOLUTELY nothing added to them.
Here are some examples of her new snacking goodies. They are freeze dried fruits and vegetables. The benefit of freeze dried is they literally melt in your mouth. She now has a crunchy snack choice of peas, apricots, strawberries, and a mixed veggies, they are packed with natural goodness and again NOTHING added.

To tell you the truth the strawberries and apricots burst with flavor once they hit your tongue, then they just melt away. The peas and corn snacks are an acquired taste. These also melt quickly. If you've ever had the crunchy fried peas form Harry and Davids you would like these too.
Well let me finish by telling you she is so excited to have new snacks (and it's a lot easier to tote around than minced fruits that don't last long in a backpack.)