Friday, August 31, 2012

This is 'Boots'.
She is our resident dominant hen. That means she acts like the rooster...Yes, she has her morning call that sounds absolutely nothing like a roosters call.
It's actually quite ugly and makes my skin crawl a bit. The neighbors dogs bark, I heard one person walking and say 'what the hell?' in a rather startled voice.
I'm fascinated with my little flock and they each have their own distinct personalities. The rooster 'Rico' likes his all white hen 'Frosty' and shows her where to find food. The two remaining 'Brownies' are inseparable and one of them has a chronic sneezing problem. Sounds like a dud fire work, just a little fizzle. Odd, but cute.
Hopefully they are here to stay.
No luck on trapping the fox yet.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

First day of school 2012.
Second, second and first grade!! Wow where has the time gone. They were up at six and were sitting at the table with backpacks ready at 7:15am. They all had an amazing day and came home with smiles and excitement about their new teachers. It's going to be a great year for the three of them. They also went to bed no questions asked at 7:30pm!!!
Today, is day two and they were up and ready early.
However...the mornings have been cool and our hoodies don't quite fit these growing girls. I put out the question: 'What color hoodie do you want?'
Ray, who is ALL about clothes as of late said, 'lime green or zebra'
Check out this find!!!
She is either going to love it or hate it...I bought a second one for backup just in case.
I'll keep you posted.:)

Time to speak up and start taking some steps forward!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

It's been a busy summer, full of hearts and flowers, some great converstation and some not so great conversations that shed some tears.
But we keep moving forward, trying make this day better than the last.
Cherish the small moments of joy and happiness.


Yup, those are my girls!!

Sunset On The Lake


Chicken Saga

.... And then there were Five. Did I talk to much about them the last couple of days and jinx myself. Got home late last night after running a gauntlet of errands after an 8 hour workshop in Maine, searching through the woods for the remains of two of my hens....I was txt'd that two were 'missing'. Well with the amount of feathers I did find and the parts that I knew were her wings, they are gone. We secured the coop and the cover and someone they got out, or something got IN and pulled them out. The trap is set again and we shall see. This time it happened during the day. So upon a little research it could be a sly fox, neighbors these woods heck it just might be Sasquatch! So here is the only 'I spy' picture i have. the large tan hen in the front is one of the missing and the little red one behind her in the brush is definitely gone. The Chicken Saga continues....