Saturday, April 16, 2011

Beets and Beans

Beans and Beets.

I had to also let go of my garden, now in the hands of Todd.

He has been making a special 'chicken-poo-tea' recipe for them that he found in a gardening magazine and has been been tending to them daily. He recently added a grow light.

We also have lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, & sunflowers.

In addition we'll be adding peppers, carrots, and some other house favorites.

We didn't have to buy much produce last summer, hopefully we won't have to buy any this summer.

Bring on Spring.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happiest Girl In The World

Of course Edie had all the nurses, doctors, anethesiologit, and staff smiling with her easy going attitude and contagious smile.

She did great! She had new bi-lateral tubes put in, and had her large overgrown adenoids removed that were actually growing up and over the eustachian tube. (That tube drains the middle ear) Dr. Spector said he didn't know how large they were untill he was in there, this could be the root cause of most of her drainage problems.

Edie took a little while in recovery, I could hear her and just wanted to be with ther. She came out on the guerney, covering her head with her tea party blanket. She laid in my arms the rest of the day and she was allowed to have endless ice pops and ice cream. By bath time and a second dose of ibuprofin she was feeling much better. She was up a few times in the night for a hug and drink.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Geesh! Cheer up Edie!!

Movie Night

Movie night with the best snugglers ever!

Team Fischer

Lucky 13!!!
2 points!!!
These two are too cute, but check out the basket in the back!
Coach Cindy let Edie play too. She of course picked the black team, with the bigger kids. She held her own and did great!
Grammy B, we have front teeth!!