Sunday, October 31, 2010


Fun with eyeliner.

Daddy's costume, Giddy Up Partner! Aubrey trying to make up for her lost teeth :)

Pizza before trick or treating. I was going to go as a witch, but once I saw how much fun the cowgirls and sheriff were having I needed in on that. We had so much together as a family!

Trick or Treating in Goffstown
Rodeo Roundup for their Halloween Party at school on Friday.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Don't Worry

I'm having a blast at work, the store is great, the people are great and it's always busy! The store is like some weird worm hole. Time just seems to fly by. I get there and before I know it, it's time to leave. The commute leaves something to be desired but it gives me a chance to reflect, and organize my mind. The girls seem to be adjusting nicely we've been sure to add a few extra hugs and kisses throughout the day.

Along with my adventure at work, Todd's been entertaining the troops by teaching them songs. Here is our house favorite right now. Enjoy!!

Sorry it's so dark. And the clicking is my camera that went for a swim in the lake, when it tries to auto adjust it makes that grinding sound. I didn't want to miss the opportunity to record them singing this.

So with that.

It Is What It Is. :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bye Mom, We love you, see you in April!! I'd like to thank everyone that made it out today, and sat around the table enjoying Turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed taters, broccoli, meatballs and moms home made almond joys! But most of all thanks for the laughs and a day of making memories. Until next time....XOXOXO to all of you from all of us!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

I took it for a test run this past weekend, and loved it. I'm back to my roots and I'm doing a 90 day, full time adventure. I'll keep you posted :)

Fillings and Field Trips

Ray got a filling. Hopefully the last. She not only got the filling but with her face still numb she bravely climbed onto the bus for her first school field trip to go apple picking.

Daddy said, she did great at the dentist and showed off her prize. A pink frog she chose from the reward drawer at the dentist. She showed it to her sisters and her classmates on the bus on the way to the orchard.
Sisters thought it sounded like fun. Ray saw new tools,got the breathe the 'special air' from the mask, AND it's something she did WITHOUT them.

Everyone wanted a filling, until.......
The Novocaine wore off and she was tender.
I heard from her chaperon that she was a bit teary on the bus on the way home.
I asked her about it later and she said it was a really exciting day but her tooth hurt and she really wanted to eat an apple.
She was back to herself in a few days.

Cooking With Edie

As most of you know Edie LOVES to cook, pretend or real she loves it. She spends hours in the sand box making recipe's, and at her play kitchen in the basement. When sisters go to school on her off days, she and I make cookies, pies, and tea. She is an excellent chef!!

Hospital Order Complete!