As most of you know Edie was 'slump sleeping' in her car seat on a late night out last week. Due to the strange neck position and the heaviness of her head she pulled a muscle in her neck. Not only was the muscle pulled and painful, but it was also combined with painful muscle spasms. After, an emergency call to the pediatrician and being thoroughly checked out she was also diagnosed with infected lymph's on that same side of her neck and a sinus infection. We kept her comfortable, by limiting her activity for the first 24 hours and giving her an ibuprofen, acetaminophen and warm compress regiment every three hours. This was also combined with an antibiotic to clear up her infections.
Her pediatrician said 'I'm surprised I don't see more children with these injuries, children really need some type of neck support when they sleep in the car, I suggest a neck pillow for long rides where there is a chance she may fall asleep, I would get one...get three to prevent this from happening again.' I'm scared to death to think this could happen again!
Edie is doing great we took a trip to beach and she got to have her play date with her friends today that we had to postpone last week. She still has a little trouble looking up, but she is very much feeling like herself again.
Thank you all for love and support, we really appreciated it!