Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Invasion of the BIG DOLLIES'

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Gingerbread Man

Winter Wonderland

I can not keep a hat on Reagan's head. No wonder the kid has chronic ear problems!
We've been sledding after we pick Edie up from school. She is usually in her winter gear and we come home and spend some time out in the sun and fresh air. Edie lasts about ten minutes, she usually heads in when I'm ready to get the camera. She peels off her layers on the porch and cuddles up under a blanket, sometimes she even falls asleep for an hour or so. We let her rest and play outside. I even get in on the sledding too.
Time to cuddle and have some hot chocolate.

New Close Ups

It's amazing how much her speech has improved in such a short period of time. I am amazed with her growth!
How old are you? I have to ask her all the time. There is a peculiar little old lady in there, that keeps me on my toes!

Imagination, Imagination it's so beautiful to witness her endless creativity.

And together the three of them are absolutely amazing.
Watch out world!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Things That Make Me Smile

From the Mouth's of Babes...

Today was a day of non stop chatter, lot's of questions and things that made me smile.

1. By now most of you know Edie tries new words everyday, and she always makes me smile when she does. Today, Edie told me I needed a microwave safe brownie pan. WHAT? I said, she repeated her statement. I smiled. She smiled and went merrily on her way. Later I realized they figured out how to get the TV on Nickelodeon in the basement and that channel is disturbingly filled with commercial after commercial of nonsense merchandise.

2. Aubrey asked me if BOB was a state. I said no. She said well Montana is. I said your correct. She said. Well if Sponge BOB is not a state how come Hannah Montana is, is it because he is a cartoon?

3. We were driving home from school and there was the rafter of wild turkeys in the road. This group is always in the same spot at the same time every day. We waited patiently for them to decide what they wanted to do. Some run down the road, some awkwardly hopped into the snow bank and sunk, others just stood there. Reagan in a panic said 'mommy get out, get out!' Why I asked her. She said catch one! I want turkey for dinner!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Let's see if they can still fit in here when they are 16.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Now That's An Arm Full!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Uncle Moo, Aubrey, Reagan, and Edie

The King, The Queen

Artwork by: Reagan Fischer
and the Three Princesses

Todd and I on our wedding day.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hair Cuts

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rock & Roll

Daddy did a great job on the cake with the help of the twins. They helped make the chocolates, bake the cakes, and mixed the icing!

It was a chocolate (on the bottom)/strawberry (on the top) layered cake, and it was good!

I usually make cupcakes for birthdays but they wanted...no no, they insisted this year they have a *big* cake and they wanted it together. I thought that was very sweet.


I'm always trying new things with all the heads of hair around here. We call the 'knobs' curly cues.
Edie said she wanted 'alotta-alotta' curly cues.
This is what we came up with.

And this is what she looked like when they came out.
Her little face says SO much.
To Cute!!

Night-Time Meditation

We are always thinking of new ways to 'settle' the girls before bed time.
We thought some relaxation and meditation would settle their 'ants in the pants' syndrome that plagues them from about 6-7pm.
The twins were calm and reflecting on their day.
Edie, however....
did NOT look so relaxed.

She really had to concentrate on the: 'keep your eyes closed' portion of the process.
She decided a piggy back up to her room and a short story was more her pace.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Quiet Time...

Aubrey has been working on her weaving.

Edie is a whiz on the computer or as she likes to call it the pew-ta.

Ever since Holloween I've been finding 2 if not ALL three girls piled into one bed. This night it was only the two of them.

My Mini Me

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The House of Tiny Teeth

Wow! I've decided they need to stop growing! Aw-bee me see...
Aw-bee you have a hole!
Aw-bee me see again.

After just 5 days Aubrey has lost her first Tooth!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Twins Halloween Party

Reagan was Rosetta, the red fairy from Tinkerbell.
Aubrey trying to be a very serious witch... (a fairy witch)

Then cracking herself up....we sat and giggled on the kitchen floor watching her try to make a serious face.

Today was their last day at school and it ended with a big bang. There was candy, costumes, games, and fun. Here is what they looked like for Halloween this year.

As most of you know by now I'll be having the twins home with me for the rest of the school year. We've converted the basement to half playroom half school room. We'll be having our 'school' time while Edie is at her morning program. I have lots of fun activities, games, and projects lined up for us here. We will also be going to story time at the local library and having lots of play dates!!