Damn PINK DRINK MIX!!!Fine Print: I'll embarass myself by saying I took a couple of minutes to 'go potty' while everyone was playing queitly in the basement toy room.
Yes, yes, yes, Edie found her way into my purse (again). This time shes found a 'to-go' packet of pink drink. Actually it was labeled Raspberry Ice.
Let's see...
OH yeah! Raspberry Ice before mixing with water is this deep DEEP red color. Once mixed WITH water it gets a little lighter. For example the color:
of this childs hands!
Did I mention she snuck upstairs with it, bit it open, probably disliked the tart raw taste (as it was NOT YET MIXED WITH WATER!!) and spit it into her hands.
This created a DEEP red water fall of saliva and drink mix, which she wiped on her hands, and rubbed, rubbed, rubbed it in because it made such a pretty color.
Her sisters tried to help her out by giving her WET WIPES to clean up her hands and....
my WHITE CARPETING in her room.
It took three days for the red hands to fade away.
The carpet...
needs to be replaced.