Finally some color after a harsh winter! There is life sprouting up all over the place!

Many of the White Birches around the yard have seen better days, quite a few fell over the winter too.

The girls and I have planted some flowers. We put them in planters and pots. You may or may not be surprised to hear that we still have some ice under the leaf piles. I've been doing some spring cleaning and as I rake away the brown muck there lies more...ice...

This was an interesting picture of an evergreen from the front garden. If can zoom in check out the little bug that got his snapshot taken. I did not even see him until I downloaded the pictures.

We have an unruly patch of dandelions in the front yard. EVERY morning when we venture outside the twins race to see who will pick the next victim.

There are other hints of spring all throughout the yard. I love taking a daily walk to see what else is ready to burst.

I have a couple of patches of Forget Me Not's,

All three of my trees are ready to blossom! I can't wait to capture these buds when then open.