Of a twin mom + 1.
Every now and then we have to sit back and look at our day.
Why does it get chaotic?
I sat down this weekend and edited and adjusted the Reward Board.
This is what I came up with and boy oh' boy it started working immediately!

The girls are so excited to earn stickers and stars.
With most three year olds our issues right now are fresh talk, sharing, manners, and listening.
Someone said to me, or I read, make a big deal about the good, not the bad.
Of course we talk and have time out if they have bad behaviour, but putting a big sparkly star up for chores completed and good behavior is very motivating for them.
Have you ever had to put 3 toddlers in a time out? They can't share a time out stool. They can't even be in the same room for that matter.
It turns into me standing in the middle of the kitchen. Edie on the stool, Reagan sitting on the rug facing the door, and Aubrey sitting on the stairs. No one can see each other, and we make it through the 2 minute time out for Edie and 3 minute time out for the twins.
Thankfully with the new schedule, we have not had a time out trifecta in a couple of days.